Literary Journals

As a reader and a writer, I aim to bridge the divide between books in print and literary journals that are now often found online (as many journals move from print to being online only). Many writers get their start publishing individual pieces in literary journals before they publish a book. There is a huge selection of journals online where you can read work from all genres for free. Like browsing in a bookstore, it can be easy to get overwhelmed by the selection, and there are thousands of journals online. The list here is certainly not all-encompassing, but seeks to highlight the journals that align with the mission of Lucky Cloud and publish marginalized voices and translated work. I've left off most of the big-name journals, and instead am focusing on the smaller journals 


Stone of Madness

I acknowledge, as a person of European descent, that Lucky Cloud, regardless of location in Vermont, is located on Abenaki land. Colonialism and the oppression of Indigenous People is a current and on-going process, and I am committed to building awareness around my participation on this land, and am committed to carrying an inventory of books that is inclusive to Indigenous and BIPOC people, as well as growing in my understanding of how to honor this land and the people who have cared for this land for many generations and are caring for it today.